A filled coffee cup

Coffee Reimagined

Waste Redefined

kofVIE, repurposing spent coffee grounds

Coffee is the second most consumed beverage worldwide, after water. Globally, we generate 6 million tons of spent coffee grounds annually. Why simply discard it when we can repurpose it?

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Repurposing spent coffee grounds

kofVIE is a Belgian startup dedicated to extending the lifecycle of coffee by repurposing spent coffee grounds, which are coffee's greatest residual. Firstly, in partnership with coffee suppliers, we collect the grounds at offices, coffee houses and other places. This way, we provide them an accessible solution to reduce their carbon footprint. Simultaneously, we support processors of the coffee grounds by providing them with a high-quality raw material, thereby replacing polluting and scarce resources.

Let’s enjoy, let’s repurpose

Our vision is to create a world where coffee grounds are no longer seen as waste but as a valuable resource. We aim to raise awareness about the potential of coffee grounds and inspire people to make more sustainable choices. Through our self designed collection container and collection system, we strive to make the coffee industry more sustainable and have a positive impact on the environment and society.

A cozy coffee house

Making our coffee experience more sustainable.

Obviously, there is so much to say about coffee. But let’s keep it simple: we love it.

So why use it only once? After you finish your cup, you might grab another one or feel ready to continue your day. However, we are here to make those cups circular and use the coffee residual as a resource for other products.

Want to learn more about our solutions and how they can benefit you?

It's not waste, it's a resource

Enjoy it, repurpose it

It's not waste, it's a resource Enjoy it, repurpose it

Meet the team

Although we are a startup, we aim high. With the support of Start It@ KBC and VLAIO, Chiara and Silke are ready to take this challenge and turn the coffee industry around. Let’s unleash kofVIE!

Cofounder 2, Silke Van Steenwinkel
Cofounder 1, Chiara Rousseau

Supported by


  • Coffee grounds still contain most of coffee’s valuable substances. After brewing your cup, only one percent of all the valuable compounds in coffee is being used. Ninety-nine percent of it is typically treated as waste, even though it can be utilized as a raw material for other products.

  • As an end consumer at home, you can repurpose your spent coffee grounds by giving it to your plants as a biological fertilizer. Coffee grounds contain nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and other minerals that plants need for healthy growth. Additionally, coffee grounds are an organic material that improves soil structure.

    As a coffee supplier, office, coffee house, hospital, school etc., you can contact us about our services on how we can help you repurposing your spent coffee grounds and reduce your carbon footprint.

  • In Belgium, currently, are different initiatives processing spent coffee grounds. Most of them are cultivating oyster mushrooms on spent coffee grounds. Others, are extracting oil and creating bioplastics with the remaining press cake.

    Apart from the current existing application, there is a (near) future with new innovative application methods. To be ready for this coffee revolution, we are building an inventory of high-quality spent coffeegounds as a raw amterial. Getting ready to repurpose and have impact!

  • Repurposing used coffee grounds brings many benefits. It helps the environment by reducing waste and pollution. Also, it's part of a circular economy, making better use of resources. We save money by using less waste and finding new ways to use materials. Plus, we can make new products like compost, bioplastics, and cosmetics, which helps the economy grow. Overall, reusing coffee grounds helps the environment and creates economic opportunities for a better future.

Contact us.

+32 471/680407
